Monday, September 2, 2013

My husband has premature ejaculation

 Bright sex life loving couple depends on many factors : the presence of the senses , the level of libido and, of course , the process of ejaculation , that is - ejaculation in men. If men do not have

problems with ejaculation,

then the completion of intercourse, he is bound to be accompanied by a sensual experience orgasm by both partners . Normal ejaculation, which actually leads to a feeling of indescribable pleasure, is invaluable to the men , both in terms of biological , and psychological .

In fact, ejaculation is a reflex act , consisting of two main phases. The first phase - is breeding and mixing secret sex glands , the second phase - directly or discarding its eruption . Mixing sex secrets is the primary condition to the activity of sperm. Depending on the duration of the whole process specialists distinguish three types of ejaculation : premature , normal and delayed . If delayed ejaculation occurs in small numbers of men of reproductive age , the problem of premature ejaculation ( in 35-40 % of mens ) is a common reason for seeking a sexologist.

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction : the man is not able to control the process of ejaculation , to the extent that would be sufficient for both partners intimate satisfaction.

Depending on the cause of the problem of premature ejaculation is divided into primary and secondary.

Sexual initiation in adolescence is characterized by a particularly high excitability and excitement. Given these factors, the younger sexual partners can not control the duration of the process of ejaculation , and often it ends after 3-5 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse. If a young man , in spite of these problems , continues to develop sexual life , gaining experience , problems with premature ejaculation after some time come to naught .

Secondary ejaculation is usually seen after various diseases of the urethra and prostate cancer, a number of psychological disorders, as well as the background of the

problems with erection.

Also , to provoke change in the duration of sexual intercourse in the way it can reduce excessive sexual activity of men who received early injury of the lumbosacral spine , or a disease, such as low back pain .

Depending on the duration of premature ejaculation process it also divided into absolute - less than 2 minutes, and the relative - more than 2 minutes , but this is not enough time for both partners orgasm . In any case , early ejaculation - a problem that man

can decide for himself


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