Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Premature Ejaculation Affects Relationships

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Premature ejaculation can certainly take a toll on a relationship. Whether a couple waits until after marriage or not to be sexual, intercourse plays a huge role in the success and happiness of a relationship. Over time, unresolved sexual problems can slowly chip away at a relationship for both partners.

Effective communication is crucial to a healthy long-lasting relationship, however it can often times be difficult for a man to discuss his premature ejaculation concerns with his partner. There is a lot of unnecessary shame that is associated with the condition and many men think that admitting that they have a problem controlling their arousal means that they are less of a man. Not talking about the problem will actually make things that much worse. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and anger can quickly escalate, all of which can make premature ejaculation even worse. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

My husband has premature ejaculation

 Bright sex life loving couple depends on many factors : the presence of the senses , the level of libido and, of course , the process of ejaculation , that is - ejaculation in men. If men do not have

problems with ejaculation,

then the completion of intercourse, he is bound to be accompanied by a sensual experience orgasm by both partners . Normal ejaculation, which actually leads to a feeling of indescribable pleasure, is invaluable to the men , both in terms of biological , and psychological .

In fact, ejaculation is a reflex act , consisting of two main phases. The first phase - is breeding and mixing secret sex glands , the second phase - directly or discarding its eruption . Mixing sex secrets is the primary condition to the activity of sperm. Depending on the duration of the whole process specialists distinguish three types of ejaculation : premature , normal and delayed . If delayed ejaculation occurs in small numbers of men of reproductive age , the problem of premature ejaculation ( in 35-40 % of mens ) is a common reason for seeking a sexologist.